Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Well-Trained Mind

I finished reading The Well-Trained Mind. I read it in exactly one week! There are parts of classical education I like, but I still think I lean more towards unschooling. I want to read about as many different schools of education as I can: Montessori, Mason, Waldorf, etc. I think it's all fascinating. I like reading these kinds of books now because I can read them fast or skim through sections and it doesn't matter because at this point I'm just reading for fun and for general ideas.

A funny thing happened in school this week. I had The Well-Trained Mind out on my desk (since it's so large and doesn't fit well in my school bag) and my Law teacher said, "I can't believe you're reading that." I asked why and apparently he's read parts of it!


Unknown said...

Your blog is fascinating! I've given you an award -- EXCELLENT BLOG. Come over and get it!

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

I felt much the same way about classical education after reading TWTM. I started rethinking it after we'd been homeschooling for almost a year, though I've never been completely on board with TWTM philosophy. In the end, what I like best about Latin centered education is the emphasis on the things that I do find important from TWTM, but without all the busy-work that it entails. I love that in addition to their formal school work, the boys have plenty of time to pursue their own interests.

Have you read Drew's book, The Latin-Centered Curriculum? Or Climbing Parnassus? It's a tougher read. I'm not sure exactly how old you are, but I have known of a few adults that said they had difficulty reading it.

Charlotte Mason's ideas are also very classical in nature, though most people don't seem to classify her as such. I haven't actually made time to read her writings (you're wise to be researching this early), but my understanding is that the companions to her writings written by modern authors are extremely watered down. I have read a couple of those, and feel that they didn't do Ms. Mason justice.

Brenda said...

Congrats on making it through that book! I read most of it this summer and after I put it down, I realized I didn't retain too much. Boy, that's one book you have to concentrate on!

I saw you read Dumbing Us Down too. I want to read that one but haven't. Maybe I'll check the library this week...