Tuesday, February 3, 2009

January Recap

Of course, the most important thing was graduating early. I am still in detox mode though and spend the day sitting around on the computer. I had ideas in my head of all the great things I'd do- knit, read, study things that actually interest me, practice instruments, write letters, practice karate... I need to start doing more soon.

In January I spent approximately 33.58 hours on the mat, including teaching. I think that's low compared to other months but this month did include new years and a trip to Chicago with a friend's family.

I found out my tambura group is doing a concert in April as well as the locations for the adult and junior festivals. We have a lot of singing for our performance which is intimidating.

I started the Hundred Push Ups Program. This week is week two; it's going well so far. I found a friend to do it with me too.

I can't wait for it to get warm. I plan on taking lots of walks and learning to make Dorodango mud balls.


Ikigai said...

I think I saw those mudballs on mythbusters!

They were doing a myth on putting a polish on crap...

Jennifer said...

Thant is exactly where I learned about them!